Riddle #26 Answer
Answer: e n t
The first seven letters stand for - one two three four five six seven
Riddle #25 Answer
In a dictionary
Riddle #24 Answer
6:00am: since the clock is losing 24 minutes every hour, for every real hour that has passed, the clock will only show 36 minutes. Since the clock shows 3:00am, we know that 180 clock minutes have passed. This therefore equals 300 real minutes and hence 5 hours. The clock stopped 1 hour ago and the time must now be 6.00am.
Riddle #22 Answer
Riddle #21 Answer
Each of the sentences in Group A contain two words that are anagrams of each other (space & capes, made & edam, file & life, slept & pelts). The fifth sentence in Group B has that characteristic (hornet & throne).
Riddle #20 Answer
the number "7" on the phone keypad
Riddle #19 Answer
There are three possible solutions for this 51 and 15. 42 and 24. 60 and 06.
Riddle #18 Answer
1. mustards + (RATS - mu_STAR_ds)
2. frosting + (NITS - fro_STIN_g)
3. consumes + (EMUS - con_SUME_s)
4. tastable + (BATS - ta_STAB_le)
Riddle #17 Answer
The number of letters in the words: eleven, twelve
Riddle #16 Answer
Answer: 11  letters in the  phrase "The Alphabet"
Riddle #15 Answer
Answer: dozens
Riddle #14 Answer
Giant to Big to Bit to Bite to Chew to Hew to Chop.
Riddle #13 Answer
Answer: His horse is named Friday!
Riddle #12 Answer
Answer: When you add two hours to eleven o'clock, you get one o'clock.
Riddle #11 Answer
In 2148 contact was made with Zeta in the Albati system with a population of 10 million.
In 2161 contact was made with Mu in the Polaris system with a population of 8.5 million.
In 2202 contact was made with Pi in the Electra system with a population of 15 million.
In 2217 contact was made with Rho in the Betelgeuse system with a population of 12 million.
In 2238 contact was made with Kappa in the Wezen system with a population of 9.5 million.
Riddle #10 Answer
Answer: "therein": the,there, he, in, rein, her, here, ere, therein, herein.
Riddle #9 Answer
The men who went hunting were: A grandfather, his son & his grandson
Riddle #8 Answer
The letter "n"
Riddle #7 Answer
Riddle #6 Answer
The letter "M"
Riddle # 5 Answer
The letter e. End, timE, spacE, Every placE
Riddle #4  
Answer: The boxers were women
Riddle #3 Answer
The children were instructed to ALL raise their hands whenever a question was asked. It did not matter whether they knew the answer or not.

If they did not know the answer, however, they would raise their LEFT hand.

If they knew the answer, they would raise their RIGHT hand.

The class teacher would choose a different child each time, but always the ones who had their RIGHT hand raised.
Riddle #2 Answer:
The marines were standing back to the edge of the ship so they were looking at each other. It does not matter where the ship is (of course it does not apply to the north and South Pole).

Riddle #1 Answer

And the answer is:

Tokyo & Kyoto

Did you get the answer? Try riddle #2